The first school term of 2020 has come to an end and what a term it has been. Who could’ve guessed the way it ended, with us all going into some kind of quarantine and worrying about face masks, hand washing and toilet paper. Looking back over the term, there have a been a number of exciting events and achievements. It started off with the Getting to Know You Picnic, where staff, parents and children spent a late afternoon chatting and playing games, led by the ever jovial Wilfred Schrieff. Our annual inter-house Swimming Gala and Athletics Day, took place in February where our learners showed their talents in the pool and on the field, earning points for their houses. Liesbeek took a massive lead in the house points race for the term, when they won both sporting events. By the time the end of term came around, Coornhoop and Tafelberg had clawed their way back and all 3 houses were neck on neck. We are waiting with baited breath for the first assembly of the second term to find out which house has won. Still on the sporting front, we need to congratulate a few of our learners who did exceptionally well in their sporting codes. Matthew Ward in Gr 3 was selected for the NMA ISKA (National Martial Arts, International Sports Karate Association) South African squad to compete at the World Championships in Orlando Florida. Six of our Drummies received their South African Colours (SASCOC gives final approval of Protea Colours later in the year) recently. Well done to Mika Marais, Danique Africa, Tatum-Jade Rhode, Ashka King, Jabulile Sani and Shiloh Maree. We are extremely proud of our GSPS sportsmen and woman! Congratulations!! We’d like to wish everyone a safe and peaceful school holiday, especially during this uncertain time. Keep healthy and stay safe!