
At Groote Schuur we are committed to academic excellence. We focus on teaching critical thinking and creativity is encouraged. We incorporate technology with the use of Smart Boards in all our classes.

Grade R - 3

All our Foundation Phase classes are taught predominantly by their class teachers and teaching assistants within their own classrooms. The exceptions are computers, library and music, all of which are taught by specialist staff. All learners attend Swimming lessons once a week at the swimming pool, taught by a qualified swimming teacher.

Grade 4 - 6

From Grade 4, our learners have more subjects to focus on.  Our staff do their best to make the transition from Foundation Phase to Intermediate Phase as smooth as possible. In Grade 5 the work load gets a bit heavier but there are a number of highlights, during the year, including camps and educational outings. In Grade 6, the learners are encouraged to become more responsible and mature with their decision making. They are also guided in their endeavours to become the future leaders of the school. There is also the prospect for one learner to be awarded the Anton Meyer Scholarship which applies to their Grade 7 year.

Grade 7

As the seniors in the school, the Grade 7 year is filled with preparation for high school. The work load is substantially more and they are required to set an example to the rest of the school, in terms of work ethic and behaviour. The highlight of their year is the Grade 7 tour to the Garden Route. The tour is focused on team building, new experiences and education. Career Day and Market Day are another two highlights on their calendar.